The Good Times
For now, this smiley face is the only physical representation of The Church of London’s new self-initiated project Good Times. Hanging outside their Shoreditch office, the face is part of a crowdsourced appeal for contributions to the one-off magazine that aims to cheer everyone up next Monday, apparently the most depressing day of the year.
Created in seven days (they’re already on day three) the magazine – in the form of a Newspaper Club tabloid – will be distributed free around London next Monday. If you’re not in London (and even if you are!), order a magazine from the magCulture shop next week (Monday 16– Friday 20 January) and a free copy of Good Times will be added to the package.
To join in, follow the twitter tag #TheGoodTimes and check the project website (itself a work in progress), where you can see live updates to the content as it threads its way through the production process. Look out for appeals for help with further input. Or you can call by their office (71A Leonard Street London EC2A 4QS) and vote with a coloured sticker on that smiley face. Yellow (‘Pumped. Bring on 2012’) seems to be winning so far…
UPDATE: Join in right now: What design makes you smile? Print, online, an object, a process. Tweet #TheGoodTimes / email goodtimes at thechurchoflondon.