True Photo Journal #2
Last August we reviewed the first issue of True Photo Journal on the site, celebrating the way that the magazine showcases the unpublished, personal work of contemporary photographers. The idea is that inside the thick, glossy publication you’ll find only ‘truthful’ work – authentic and personal material that’s not restricted by an editorial brief. This is meant to be the stuff that reflects the true spirit, style and outlook of an image-maker, and issue two continues to uncover beautifully intimate work from well-known and young photographers alike.
Here’s a peek at some of the gems that the editorial team have discovered for this second edition. There’s a series of photographs taken by Corinne Day and Mark Szaszy in the late 80s (above), capturing their relationship during trips to Tokyo, Melbourne and Hong Kong. Some of these photographs are Day’s earliest as Szaszy taught her to use the cameras that these images were taken on during this time.
There’s also a number of hazy photographs by Arnaud Lajeunie of Juliette Binoche (above): the photographer was contacted out of the blue by the actress, and what began as a request for press shots soon turned into a dreamy collaboration between the two of them.
A selection of pictures by Ben Weller taken on various trips through Montana are another striking edition to the magazine (above), as are Cheryl Dunn’s historical photographs of the financial district of Manhattan, where she moved to 25 years ago, and has documented throughout her time there (below).
True is an intriguing archive: it wrests analogue pictures and digital files from the dusty shoeboxes or untouched hard-drives that they are in danger of being lost in, and puts them in the spotlight for the first time.