Visual journalism
The latest EDO event featured Italian art director Francesco Franchi, the man behind the beautiful visual journalism of IL Magazine, the monthly supplement to the daily Il Sole 24 Ore business newspaper. Francesco’s well-presented talk explained in words, pictures and, naturally, infographics, how the magazine was conceived and executed, and how the recent redesign developed. A fascinating story, well told.
At the end the inevitable question ‘What other magazines do you look at?’ was asked, and it was no surprise to hear it was Bloomberg Businessweek (along with a quick mention of Port). Although BBW and IL have some key differences in approach – the weekly v monthly schedule emphasising the BBW team’s desire for directness and spontaneity – they share an intense closeness between design and journalism. This can only be brought about by close collaboration between designer and editor.
This has always been a given in editorial design, or at least has always been much talked about. It feels now, at last, we’re seeing examples of full collaboration between the two disciplines and the development of a genuinely visual journalism.
Check Francesco’s flickr page for images of his work, and Andy Cowles’ blog for another look at Francesco’s talk.