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What is a magazine #2

What is a magazine #2


Above is the latest issue of Spanish magazine La Mas Bella.

Yes it is an apron, made of denim and sponsored by Pepe jeans. The pockets of the apron contain a range of objects and printed items (a small hammer made of caramel, a cassette, a DVD, a collection of photos taken with an antique 4-lens polaroid camera, a box of matches, a book of postcards, a bookazine, a photo catalogue, two small tins, a poetry magazine, an unfoldable map, four lithographs, a spoof members card/licence) and it costs a hefty E50. As well as the usual specialist outlets, issues are available from the Bellamatic vending machine.

Every issue of La Mas Bella takes a very different form. One edition came in a tin can, another was attached to a bottle of wine, and another came in the form of a box of games. Images here. (thanks Andrew)

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