Yes & No, issue 03:02
Our latest page 23 resonates for two reasons. The right-hand side of a double page spread of solid, warm grey is an unusually monochrome presence in the new issue of art mag Yes & No – elsewhere the issue is rich with yellow, red and blue.
The grey page refers to the subject of the profile it opens, the eighties art collective The Grey Organisation and their ‘art terrorism.’ It’s fascinating to see the four-man group revisited, their stylised skinhead presentation was way ahead of its time yet appears run-of-the-mill in today’s self-aware media maelstrom.
Their strategy was a heady mix of culture and politics, reflected in what two of the members are up to now: Toby Mott runs the Cultural Traffic fairs, while Paul ‘Stead’ Steadman organises extreme right group London Forum. Some spread.
More pertinent right now is that the grey pages and their ‘GREY’ headline also highlight the dominant colour of so many current magazine covers (including Yes & No’s portrait of Brigitte Lacombe’s black cat). We’ve noted the coincidental grouping of colours among new arrivals before but never has it been so starkly monochrome. Check the video of our current ‘New this week’ shelf at the shop, above.