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Like the Wind #43

200 x 255 mm, 132 pages
London, UK
Editor: Simon Freeman
Creative director: Julie Freeman Kummer
Co-creative director and designer: Alex Murphy

'Global running stories'

Like the Wind brings together stories for, by, and about people who run. This isn't a magazine about how to run — but why. The perfect place for those looking for running community and/or inspiration to lace up their shoes and get outside, whether for the first time or just the first time in a little while...

On the cover this time, Leah Yingling begins the descent from Reynold's Peak in the Wasatch Mountains above Salt Lake City, as shot by Mike McMonagle. Inside, the usual assortment of personal stories, community run crews, high-flying athletes and more alongside illustration and, in recent issues, glossy photography. 

On the Journal: It’s this one thing
'I’d say I’ve ‘been a runner’ since I moved to London a little over five years ago. I’d tried it before then—for a few months while living in Edinburgh and again while I lived in Sheffield, but it never stuck. I struggled to push through to the to the fabled ‘other side’ (translation: to stick with it long enough that my body grew strong enough for me to be able to enjoy it). So what changed? Well, I finally found community...' READ MORE

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