The Baffler #76
171 x 242 mm, 136 pages
New York, US
Published six times a year
Editor-in-chief: Matthew Shen Goodman
Editor-at-large: Chris Lehmann
Art director and designer: No Ideas
The Baffler publishes cultural analysis, short stories, poems, art and left-wing political criticism six times a year. This latest edition is themed 'Get in Line' with the US election results announced, an urgent ceasefire in Gaza needed and Earth's resources running out.
Contributors to this issue comment on the surreal, anxious world we live in today and how we are waiting for something to happen... but what exactly? Elsewhere, Eric Dean Wilson resurfaces his archived photography of cruising in Central Park and Jack Sheehan on the hopefulness of a potential reunification of Ireland.
On the Journal, Cover story:
‘The Baffler presents a critical, liberal view of politics and culture, alongside short stories, poetry and art, plus daily posts online…’ READ MORE