Hapax #6
170 x 230 mm, 80 pages
London, UK
Editors: Christiane Monarchi and Gordon MacDonald
Designer: Ania Nateçka-Milach
'Commissioning and publishing new photography'
Taking their name from the literary term hapax legomenon meaning ‘a one off or that which is recorded once’, issue six of this slick, small-format photography mag considers itself an incubator for seven artists to test a new style, idea, or departure from their typical work.
Featured inside are exclusively commissioned projects by Ali Mobasser using printing techniques to make sense of his childhood shame; Michaela Nagyidaiová; Sam Laughlin and his portraits of a bird called Leucism; Tommy Keith and Yuji Hamada.
Oh, and make sure to appreciate the nifty pull-out pages tucked away inside...
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