Isolarii #12
110mm x 70mm (tiny!), 120 pages
First published in 2020
Editors: Sebastian Clark and Luca Mantero
Cover by: Alaska Alaska
‘How to build a universe that doesn’t fall apart two days later’
This edition of isolorii is the text of a speech delivered by science fiction author Philip K Dick against the backdrop of Disneyland in 1978. As ahead of its time as so much of Dick’s writing, he discusses the quest for authentic human experience in an increasingly mediated world. With an introduction by David C. Krakauer.
On the Journal:
It’s this one thing (on Isolarii #5):
‘Each edition of the tiniest publication on magCulture’s shelves, isolarii, is by its very nature a (miniaturised, printed) cousin of the ‘It’s this one thing’ column. Published once every two months, the series is ‘a world of many worlds’ where, with each new addition, a different niche subject is rather beautifully and deftly explored...’