CircleZeroEight #6
230 x 300 mm, 210 pages
London, UK
First published in 2022
Founder and editor-in-chief: Elgar Johnson
Design director: Robin Derrick
The brainchild of former GQ Style fashion director Elgar Johnson, CircleZeroEight is somewhat a recent addition on the sports-meets-fashion block, recognising the social and cultural impact that sport and athletes have beyond the playing arena.
The magazine returns to our shelves redesigned under new design director Robin Derrick—the formerly foiled circular logo replaced with rather straightforward text while the pages inside are all gloss. Headlining this sixth issue, it's NASCAR racer Toni Breidinger, NBA hopefuly Cam Whitmore, Barcelona striker Robert Lweandowski, and artist Corbin Shaw on the psychology of streaking.
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