ModMag17 round-up
This year’s ModMag took place last week at its new central London home, Conway Hall. 300 people gathered to hear talks by magazine makers from across the world and from all types of publications. The pictures above sum up the day, opening with Isabel Seiffert and Justinien Tribillon of Migrant Journal and ending with Nicholas Blechman from The New Yorker.
Read our live posts from the day here:
Report 1, Early morning
Report 2, Late morning
Report 3, Early afternoon
Report 4, Late afternoon
Other reports:
Listen to the special edition of Monocle24’s The Stack.
Stack Magazines
The Newspaper Club
MGZN (Italian)
The Fat Lady (Belgian)
AIGA Eye on Design
Eye magazine, part one
Eye magazine, part two
More to come
Twitter: #ModMag17
ModMag17A huge thank you to everyone who made the day such a success:
The speakers:
Anja Aronowsky Cronberg — Editor-in-chief/founder, Vestoj (France)
Nicholas Blechman — Creative director, The New Yorker (US)
Mirko Borsche — Bureau Mirko Borsche (Germany)
Tony Brook — Co-founder, Unit Editions (UK)
Francesco Franchi — Managing Editor, la Repubblica (Italy)
Lydia Garnett — Co-editor-in-chief, Accent (UK)
James Hyman — The Hyman Archive (UK)
Takahiro Kinoshita — Editor-in-chief, Popeye (Japan)
Owen Pritchard — Editor, It’s Nice That (UK)
Justinien Tribillon & Isabel Seiffert — Migrant Journal (France, Switzerland)
Liv Siddall — Editor, Rough Trade Magazine (UK)
Bertie Brandes & Charlotte Roberts – founders, Mushpit
Danielle Pender — Editor-in-chief, Riposte
John L Walters – Editor/owner, Eye
Matt Phare – Creative director, Shortlist and Stylist
Paul Gorman – Author, The Story of The Face
Our partners and sponsors:
Curator: Jeremy Leslie
Producer: Stephanie Hartman
Host: Liv Siddall
The magCulture team:
Jamie Atherton (shop manager)
Lesley Allan
Ewan Leslie
Alice Daisy Pomfret
Raechal Isolda
Cath Caldwell
Maxwell Fabiano de Silva
Esa Matinvesi
Jacob Charles Wilson
Owen Richards (photographer)
CSM Graphics student volunteers
See you next year!