The fourth Modern Magazine day took place at Central St Martins, London, last week. A sell-out crowd saw 12 speakers from across the magazine world share their their work. Small indie publishers stood alongside some of the most influential editors and art directors to celebrate magazine making. Madeleine live blogged the day for the Journal, and here are photos of some of the highlights of the day and links to other reviews and coverage:
Read Rob Alderson’s live blog of the day for We Transfer.
Grace Wang reviewed the day for Stack Magazines and Steve Watson from Stack interviewed Jeremy Leslie at the end of the day for their latest podcast.
Hear the special edition of Monocle24’s The Stack recorded at ModMag16: interviews with Jeremy Leslie, Seb Emina (The Happy Reader), Kirsten Algera (MacGuffin), Terri White (Empire) and Paul Gorman (author, ‘The Legacy of The Face’).
Beccy at It’s Nice That picks her highlights from the day.
Designer Neil Braidwood shares his thoughts about what he saw and heard; as does Hot Rum Cow’s Eric Campbell.
We’re now working on our magazine record of the day. News soon.
Thank you to everyone who made the day such a success:
The speakers:
Christoph Amend, Editor-in-chief, ZEIT magazine
Kirsten Algera, Editor-in-chief, MacGuffin
Gail Bichler, Design director, New York Times Magazine
Seb Emina, Editor-in-chief, The Happy Reader
Paul Gorman, Journalist, currently writing ‘Legacy: The Story of The Face’
The Ladybeard team
Penny Martin, Editor-in-chief, The Gentlewoman
Rebecca Nicholson, Editor-in-chief, VICE UK
Kai von Rabenau, Editor/publisher, mono.kultur
Tony Rushton, Ex-art director, Private Eye
Jack Self, Editor, Real Review
Terri White, Editor, Empire
Central St Martins:
Cath Caldwell, Stefan Sloneczny & Ned Lay
Our partners and supporters:
Park Communications
We Transfer
Commercial Type
Together Type
The Delauney
Sambrooks Brewery
The magCulture team:
Liv Siddall, host
Stephanie Hartman, producer
Madeleine Morley, Journal editor
Jamie Atherton, shop manager
Lesley Allan, front of house
Raechel Isolda, registration desk
Esa Matinvesi, presentation planner
Ewan Leslie, shop sales
Beth Bramich, shop sales
ModMag16 identity design
magCulture Studio
Student volunteers:
Nadia Hudania, Chrisvensia Layhadi, Conrtney Farrell, Nasaria Green, Thomas Hedger, Evgeniya Kasyanova, Lydia Bladen, Rebecca Metson, Lily Smallwood, Ashley Gan, Elena Etter and Eve Cross
And thank you to everyone that attended. We hope to be in a larger theatre for ModMag17; if you missed out this year see we hope to see you then.
All photographs by Owen Richards