Overmatter 16.04.13
Mario Garcia has started a series of posts on his blog about the difference between reading from paper and on screens. Promises to be very interesting.
Felix from Pin-Up talks about his ‘architecture magazine that non-architects read.’
New York magazine highlights ten independent food magazines.
Colors editor-in-chief Patrick Waterhouse will be talking about their upcoming issue ‘Making the News’ in Perugia, Italy on April 24.
Sueddeutsche Zeitung Magazin has a new website –uneasy scrolling but worth a look.
Survey shows 68% of UK’s biggest publications have websites unfit for mobile display.
New magazines: PrintShift is a new print-on-demand title about 3D printing, a collaboration between Blurb and Dezeen; Graft is a magazine about materials, designed by OnLab.