Port #26, sustainability supplement
Our first Page 23 spot for some time comes from a special supplement to the latest issue of Port magazine.
The main body of the issue is another visual treat of strong photography matched by great writing and bold typography. Creative director Matt Willey is in complete control, letting the content breath while applying headline treatments reminiscent of eighties Big magazine and Brody-era The Face.
The key here is confidence: from the brash set of three contrasting colours (green, black and dayglo orange) used across the three cover variations to the diminutive 20mm height masthead (below), this issue really shows what time gives a magazine: after 26 issues Port has really established its identity and hit a sweet spot between indie and mainstream.
Inside the new issue there’s the second of a new series of supplements. Designed by Willey’s Pentagram colleague Astrid Stavro with Sara Martin, ‘413’ follows the last issue’s ‘10:10’ watch supplement and adapts the same page format (200 x 270mm) to a large newspaper format where each page uses three 200 x 270mm units to make vast but narrow 270 x 600mm pages.
Once creased so it folds to 200 x 270mm and fit snuggly inside the main magazine, each of the individual units are numbered – each DPS has six numbered sections. And ‘Page 23’ here carries one of a series of gorgeous illustrations by Ping Zhu, highlighting fashion brand Hugo Boss’s move to a sustainable supply chain.