Printout! November 27
The final Printout! of 2012 sees a special event seeking to answer the question, ‘what has been the best independent magazine of the year?’
Carefully avoiding statistical or jury-based methods, we’ve rounded up a group of experts – magazine editors, designers and commentators – and asked each of them to make the case for their favourite magazine. Hugely complex technical solutions are being arranged to enable international particiapants to participate – all other awards programmes will pale by comparison.
At the end of the evening the audience will vote on who made the best case and thus the inaugral Printout Audience Award will be bestowed upon the winning magazine.
Our advocates:
Andrew Losowsky (Magtastic Blogsplosion, New York)
Erin Spens (Boat)
George Ryan (Rubbish)
Jonny Burch (Shellsuit Zombie)
Kevin Braddock (Manzine, Berlin)
Michael Bojkowski (LineFeed, Melbourne)
Rob Longworth (Huck)
Tickets £5, available here.