Journal tagged by Photography
ZEITmagazin Internatıonal, 2022/23
The annual international edition of ZEITmagazin is always a great reminder of what we English-speakers miss in the weekly German edition: in short, great commissiong across wrod and image. Here’s a quick look at some visual highlights from this year’s issue.
Fantastic Man #36
Batshit Times #3
All new trends surface in magazines at some point, and right now we’re seeing Artificial Intelligence pop up everywhere. Batshit Times succesfully uses AI technology to reflect and challenge the chaos of the modern world; curiously, in doing so it makes a strong argument for the role of the editor over the algorithm.
Middle Plane #5
Middle Plane explores the relationship between art and fashion in a unique way, presenting images that reflect the life and work of a single artist. We asked the magazine’s India Birgitta Jarvis to talk us through five images from their latest David Hockney-inspired issue five.
Ghislain Pascal, Boys! Boys! Boys!
Ghislain Pascal has been promoting and supporting photographers and their work since the nineties, as agent, publicist, gallerist and now magazine publisher. He answers our weekly Q&A as the third issue of his magazine Boys! Boys! Boys!, dedicated to work by queer and gay photographers, appears in shops.