Thomas Hedger, illustrator
We met illustrator Thomas Hedger a couple weeks ago at ModMag16. A long-time fan of his work, I had no idea that Thomas is currently studying graphic design at Central Saint Martins; his client list is impressive for anyone let alone a student, and includes The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The Telegraph, Creative Review and The Guardian.
This morning we stopped by Thomas’ home (the most modern house boat we’ve ever seen!) to have a browse through his magazine collection.
As always, we asked Thomas to select a favourite old issue, new issue and one more thing.
An old issue: Juxtapoz
It has to be Juxtapoz for this one.
Ordering it in to my local WH Smiths in the sleepy suburbs just outside London was a ritual for me throughout my teens. The anxious rush to get there before someone else decided to impulse buy it - my copy - was something that concerned my weekends -and there were a few disappointing times... In a world where the internet turned off after homework time, Juxtapoz allowed me an insight into the creative world that I would lap up from cover to cover.
It was a sofa jumping moment when I discovered that my illustrations had made their way onto their blog last year. Unfortunately I don't have all of my old collection but a fair few have managed to stay with me. My favourite cover of these is from one of the last copies I picked up online in June 2010, after my Juxtapoz buying days had slumped, from the one and only, Keith Haring.
A new issue: ToiletPaper
ToiletPaper is disgustingly sexy, juicy and surreally charming. It makes me feel a bit sweaty - in a good way. I don’t knew if I should laugh or cry, like it or loath it but I just can't take my eyes off it.
I love that I can’t predict what's coming on the next page and how it continues to surprise, question and shock. Everything looks like it’s been sun tanned, with colours popping at every turn and the paper stock really sets it off. I want them all.
And another thing: Grafters Quarterly
I was handed a copy of Grafters Quarterly at the London Book Fair last year; issue three, Social Thing Person. It was going to be my something different purely for the fact that it came in a plastic wallet with a plant cutting but after consideration it has to be because of the content. It’s absolutely packed with written content that I can’t pretend to truly get my head around. It's captivating and thought provoking - well worth a read.