Overmatter: 12.02.15
Founders sell The Newspaper Club to newspaper printer Sharman & Co, promising, ‘no major changes to our day to day running or products.’
Here comes issue two of digital–arts magazine Holo, see work in progress.
Condé Nast US launches content marketing division 23 Stories. Based in main editorial dept, punning name comes from the number of floors at their new downtown HQ…
…a move criticised by the Columbia Journalism Review, ‘I predict that editors and writers will find their loyalties divided and the ad-think will inevitably creep into the editorial content.’
Intern in 2009, editor in 2015; Ellis Jones takes over at Vice.
The controversy over Newsweek cover confuses the representation of the story for the story.
‘Good News is No News’ – BBC Radio 4 report on news coverage, featuring Rob Orchard of Delayed Gratification.
Last week’s Monocle24 The Stack 128 featured music magazines.
‘Six Degrees of Inspiration’ is an elegant, simple idea from Medium (and Kati Krause).
Another Escape have relaunched their website.