Little White Lies, mono.kultur, Wrap
It’s been a busy summer here at magCulture, so apologies for the relative quiet. But it’s September now and time to work through some of the many magazines that have continued to arrive –a big thank you to everyone who’s sent things in. We’ll be working our way through loads of goodies in the coming weeks, kicking off with a quick look at the latest issues of some favourites that continue to make things special.
First up, the 43rd issue of Little White Lies has the new ‘On The Road’ movie as its cover star (top), with Kirsten Stewart drawn by Paul X Johnson. Lovely though that is, though, the star of this issue is the section inside about that movie. Taking inspiration from how Jack Keruoac compiled his novel, the LWL crew created the entire 30-page section on a single roll of paper in one 12 hour session. The roll when was then split into page-size sections as you can see above; the headline from the top right starts at the bottom left. And so it runs through the 30 pages. And yes, it has all been typed on a typewriter and illustrations added in situ. You can see a video of the making here.
The 32nd mono.kultur is all about Martino Gamper. Emily King interviews the furniture designer, and the whole thing is as beautifully packaged as ever, this time with a design by the magazine’s publisher Kai von Rabenau.
There are three parts to the package; tipped on the front and back (above, below) are colour section featuring found images of Gamper’s work and infleunces, echoing his working methods.
Among these found images are a page from an earlier edition of Abake’s I Am Still Alive parasite publication, presenting us with the intriguing sight of a magazine designed to appear within another magazine turning up as a guest again in a third magazine.
The main text section is beautifully rendered in two colours with extravagant shapes cut out of the text, reflecting Gamper’s furniture (above). This latest issue of mono.kultur is a beautiful piece of print. I took it to Monocle for their new show The Stack on Saturday but alas didn’t get the time to do it justice.
Finally, issue five of Wrap is out, with an all-new format. I must admit my initial reaction was a slight disappointment at this new format. It’s certainly more sensible, being smaller, perfect bound and generally more magazine-like. And I know from expereince selling it in our store that the old format was a pain to post. Even so… we want difference, no?
That said, it feels less ephemeral and still carries the same beautiful artworks to pull out and use as gift paper. It’s just a little less extra special now.The issue invludes Dominic Wilcox, Paul Blow and Ben Saunders.
So… three magazines making the most of print. Win, win, win.