Journal tagged by The Big iPhone

Print x digital
Letter to Jane: the future of iPad apps
The fourth issue of Tim Moore’s Letter to Jane iPad app was released late last year. Although some early development work was included in my book The Modern Magazine, I missed the chance to give it a more thorough review...
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Print x Digital
padculture 05.08.11
Catching up on a few recents apps and stories… mono.kultur have a lovely free iPad app version of their recent ECM issue. Highly recommended. The New Yorker is far and away the most succesful Condé Nast app – see the...
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Cover story
Overmatter 03.05.11
The Green Soccer Journal has a smart new website. Khoi describes the pros and cons of the iPad 2. A lot of news all at once, so Time publishes three issues in one week. Andrew looks at three start up...
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Print x digital
padCulture 11.02.11
Next generation iPad rumoured to be thinner, lighter, faster (and not fatter, heavier, slower)… the guesswork begins. New York magazine’s fashion app The Cut getting good reviews. Repeating the previously posted link to Andrew’s piece because it’s vital reading for...
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After several delays, tomorrow sees the launch of Rupert ‘the iPad is a game-changer’ Murdoch’s The Daily newspaper app at New York’s Guggenheim museum. Meanwhile McSweeneys have carried out ‘a battery of tests’ on e-readers and reccommend… the newspaper…...
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SPD apps judging
The SPD held their judging this weekend. Alongside the trestle tables of printed magazines, a new judging process was neccesary to deal with digital apps, above. Designer and judge Joe Zeff has a great rundown of what he learned ‘over...
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