Journal tagged by Uncategorised

Out now
sindroms #1, Red
A journal of monochrome states of mind, sindroms considers the role that different colours play across culture, immersing readers in the feelings and moods evoked by a specific colour. Published biannually from Copenhagen, its first issue boldly centres itself around...
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What the Sink Saw
During Clerkenwell Design Week, magCulture will be collaborating with the award-winning MacGuffin magazine on an installation based on the fourth edition’s focus, the sink. In particular, we’ll be exploring the role of kitchen sink drama movies from the 1950s which...
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Magazine of the week
Buffalo Zine #5
The arrival of a new issue of Buffalo Zine is always an exciting moment, promising some exhilarating magazine-making, and this one doesn’t disappoint. Unlike previous editions, it doesn’t parody another type of publication but instead is a messy, zine-y object...
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Hamish Muir, MuirMcNeil
Graphic designer Hamish Muir teaches at London College of Communication, and co-founded MuirMcNeil, a project-based collaborative design practice with Paul McNeil, in 2009. Before that he was a key part of the London-based Studio 8vo (1985-2001), and was co-editor of...
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Javier Errea, Malofiej Awards and World Summit
Next week the Malofiej Infographics Summit, the SND’s annual celebration of visual journalism, takes place in Pamplona, Spain. One of the organisers is editorial designer Javier Errea, who shares some favourites from his magazine collection ahead of the week of...
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Meet… Intern, 01.12.16
For the 13th magCulture Meets night at the magCultureShop, we welcomed Alec Dudson, founder/editor of Intern magazine to discuss his new fourth issue. Alec explains its ‘Career Path’ theme, and photographer Kelia Ann McLusky joins him to tall about their...
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