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Blau International #10

230 x 280mm, 218 pages
Berlin, Germany
Published since 2015
Editor-in-chief: Cornelius Tittel
Art director: Mike Meiré

Blau International magazine aims (and succeeds) in being one of the most beautiful art magazines in the world. Tastefully presenting thought-provoking and innovative work, even the advertisements are an artwork in themselves.

The tenth issue is a result of the combination of stubbornness and serendipity. As editor Cornelius Tittel puts it: ‘There are stories a long time in the making, results of sheer will and persistence. Then there are stories that fall into our laps and don't go anywhere but right into these very pages.’

Featured inside: Sterling Ruby's vast quilt collection photographed for the first time, a study of divine intimacy in the work of Flemish master Rogier van der Weyden, Pierre et Gilles' queer fantasies, and much more.

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