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Senet #15

240 x 165 mm, 62 pages
London, UK
First published in 2020
Editor: Dan Jolin
Art director: James Hunter

‘Board games are beautiful’

A magazine about the craft, creativity and community of board games. Top fact, the magazine is named after (according to editor Dan Jolin) 'the oldest known board game, dating back to around 3,000 BCE in Egypt.'

The latest issue places special attention on games that involve dice. Dan Thurot's article explores the long history of dice-rolling and humans strange interactions with them. Accompanying this are great tips on how to host your own board game night, as well as, the usual reviews on the latest releases.

On the Journal, At Work With (issue #8):
Freelance writer/editor Dan Jolin launched boardgaming magazine Senet with art director James Hunter in January 2020. He tells us how he got involved in games and how his magazine offers a different take on the subject as issue eight goes on sale... READ MORE

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