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Hotshoe #211

165 x 230 mm, 194 pages
London, UK
Since 1977
Publisher: Wendy Ehst
Editor: Melissa DeWitt
Design: Duncan Whyte

‘Cutting edge photography’

This longrunning, well-respected photography publication is (in its current form) a gorgeous little thing. Bookish in size and appearance, it's neat, highly visual (as you'd expect) and its carefully curated imagery immediately alluring.

For this latest edition, the theme is ‘Shooting Mum and Dad’, inviting its featured photographers to explore their relationships with those who, as poet and novelist Philip Larkin famously put it, ‘Fuck you up’. Inside, you’ll find intimate family portraits which evoke all manner of feeling in us, the observer. A gem; and one likely to pull at your heartstrings at that.

Featuring the work of Richard Billingham, Sage Sohier, Mohamed Hassan, Mitch Epstein, Anna Fox, Mary Frey, Judith Black, Ronan McCall, Deanna Dikeman, Esther Teichmann, Paul Graham, Christopher Anderson, Mark Steinmetz, Lydia Goldblatt and Oliver Woods.

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