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Flash Art Volumes #1

228 x 300 mm, 322 pages
Milan, Italy (English language)
Editor-in-chief: Gea Politi
Art direction: Alessio Avventuroso
Guest curator: Luigi Alberto

Published by the contemporary art review magazine of the same name, Flash Art Volumes is a new title dedicated to ‘new (and forgotten) aesthetics.’ The inaugural issue is themed ‘Anti-Composition’ and explores architectural design:

‘Over the past forty years, architecture has increasingly become about responsibility or irresponsibility, while design is viewed as ultimately “unnecessary” – a tantalizing visual boast.’

Find inside features on Michael E. Smith, Peter Fischli, Anne Imhof, and Paride Maria Calvia; plus surveys of notable buildings such as Mishima House in Tokyo, Winter House in London, and Bruce Graham Residence in Chicago. 

On the Journal:
‘We don’t have the ​​particular​​ ​desire to stay on edge. There are so many publications that are edgy in the parties they throw, the merchandise​ they churn out ​and the experimental design​/photography they feature. Our core product is thoughtful art criticism and that’s where we invest our energy and resources. ​Journalistic scholarship overrides​ ​the​ quick gratification of say, a streetwear collaboration.’ Read more of Hope's At work with interview with Flash Art's Bana Bissat.

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