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Monocle #175

200 x 265 mm, 282 pages
Ten times a year
London, UK
Editor: Andrew Tuck
Creative director: Richard Spencer Powell

The figurehead project of the international design/business/culture media empire launched by Tyler Brûlé in 2007, the monthly print magazine holds all the other elements together.

Looking for a new place to live? The July 2024 edition includes Monocole's annual ‘Quality of Life Index’ – their picks for the top places to live. While ranking cities from 1 (Munich) to 20 (Athens), the team also widens its scope to consider the state of urbanism right now: ‘the conversation around urban planning has been politicised like never before. But in striving to point out what makes cities work, and improving the lot of their citizens, we're more than up for the debate.’

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