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Broccoli #19

185 x 265mm, 130 pages
Portland, US
Editor-in-chief and creative director: Anja Charbonneau
Editor: Stephanie Madewell
Design director: Jennifer James Wright
Designer: Alice May Du

‘The Magazine for Cannabis Lovers'

Created by an all-women team in the US, Broccoli is one of several magazines launched in response to the country’s new approach to cannabis—21 states have now legalised the drug and a further 37 allow it for medical use. The magazine has now moved to a biannual schedule.

In the latest issue, editor-in-chief Anja Charbonneau muses on Broccoli's unique ability to be more than just one thing. While ostensibly a weed magazine, stories in this issue range from the garden of killer plants in Northumberland, a Ukrainian midsummer folk ritual, immersive telephone theatre, and much more cannabis-adjacent creativity.

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