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Works That Work #7

Works That Work #7

Only last December did we select issue six of design title Works That Work as our Magazine of the Week, and now issue seven has come out and we were tempted to do the same again. This latest edition is all about ‘Visualizing the Invisible’ – and if you peer closely at the cover, you’ll notice a man standing camouflaged in front of the newsstand like a chameleon. He blends into his surroundings seamlessly, just as the photo itself does with the magazine’s theme.



The studio that designs Works That Work, Netherlands-based Atelier Carvalho Bureau, always find subtle and effective ways of visualising content. The best example of this, and the detail I’d like to highlight today, is a photo-feature called ‘Disappearing Act’. In it, they’ve brought together a series of pictures by Berlin-based artist and photographer Simon Menner, dense, detailed photographs of snipers camouflaged in the wild (above). A disc of gloss varnish against the matte paper pin-points the sniper’s position, which only becomes apparent if you tilt the magazine to catch the light (also above, just visble). It’s a clever use of print and just a small example of why Works That Work really does always work.

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